All unnecessary metadata is stripped too. By reducing the number of colors, 24-bit PNG files can be converted to much smaller 8-bit indexed color images. Spot any difference? Original transparent PNG File size 57 KB vs Shrunk transparent PNG File size 15 KB How does it work?Įxcellent question! When you upload a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file, similar colors in your image are combined. On the right is the same image processed by TinyPNG. The left image is saved as 24-bit PNG directly from Adobe Photoshop. Can anyone tell the difference? Excellent question! Let me give you a side by side comparison.īelow are two photos of my cousin. It will use less bandwidth and load faster. Use TinyPNG to shrink images for your apps and sites.
The format uses compression, but the files can still be large. Why should I use TinyPNG? PNG is useful because it’s the only widely supported format that can store partially transparent images. Be the first to rate this app and get the discussion started! PNG Utilities is an open-source plugin for REALbasic that allows developers to easily load and save PNG format images with or without transparency information.
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